
My sweet wife called me on my cell phone one day in April to tell me that
she had heard about the CALERIE Study at Pennington. I think that this was her
way of kindly hinting to me that I had "let myself go".
When I turned 41 in January, I knew that I needed and wanted to address the long-term
issues of a sedentary lifestyle, nutrition and the eventual effects on my body
and health in general. For my height, I am slightly overweight. I have lacked
basic understanding of actual caloric content in everyday foods. Prior to being
part of the CALERIE study, I had not given much consideration my daily caloric
intake, or just how many calories were in certain foods of a typical American
diet. I just ate whatever was in front of me, and a lot of it.
I am truly enjoying being a part of the CALERIE study. I am learning more every
week. I suspect, at the end of the study, I will have lost some weight through
behavior modification over time. Most importantly, I will be armed with a wealth
of information about foods, diet and the ability to make better educated choices.
The professionals at Pennington Biomedical Research Center are wonderful to work
with. It is very impressive to me that Louisiana has such a wonderful facility
right here in Baton Rouge. I sense that many people in our city and state, who
could benefit greatly, don't know about the in-depth level of internationally
recognized nutrition research that is taking place just down the street.
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