Ray Minor, our first participant to qualify
for the CALERIE study.
Pennington Center staff is impressed and pleased with
Ray’s excitement and enthusiasm toward the study.
“We could not have asked for a better participant,”
said Leonie Heilbronn, one of the principle investigators
of the CALEIRE study. “It’s tough to find
qualified, willing participants who can comply with
seven months of monitored meals, exercise, in-house
stays, and tests. The schedule is strict, but the benefits
of participating in the CALERIE study definitely outweigh
the sacrifices.”
said he is dedicated to helping the Center achieve its
goals for the CALERIE study. “I was mainly interested
in this study to learn how to eat better and improve
my diet,” Ray said. “I want to gain as much
dietary and exercise information as possible from the
Pennington Center staff. I hope to improve my overall
health and lower my risk for age-related diseases like
diabetes and cardiovascular disease.”
assistant Robbie Durand is collecting information
about Ray's oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide
production to calculate how many calories he is
expending during different workloads. |
Ray Minor is taking an oxygen
efficiency test using a stationary bike and a Vmax29 metabolic
cart. |